Emergency resources

Our specially designed emergency rescue breathing card, neck breather alert bracelet and medical alert window cling will give both you and your loved ones extra peace of mind in the case of an unexpected emergency.

MC0650 Emergency Card


MR0004 Neck breather alert bracelet


MC2370 Medical Alert Window Cling


MC0667 Rescue breathing for laryngectomees and other neck breathers


Rescue breathing for laryngectomees educational video

Presented by Dr Itzhak Brook, MD, MSc

Summary of the video:

  • Raise awareness of the needs of laryngectomees and other neck breathers
  • Describe the procedures used in rescue breathing for total and partial neck breathers
  • Distinguish between the two conditions
  • Importance of communication with the patient
  • Use of appropriate equipment in basic life support (BLS)
Rescue breathing for laryngectomees and other neck breathers

Stop for a moment and consider what would happen if you suddenly had problems breathing while walking down the street – what would a passerby do? They wouldn’t necessarily know how to help. By carrying an emergency rescue breathing card in your wallet and wearing a neck breather bracelet, you take the guesswork out of the equation. You are equipped with the correct information and more likely to get the help you need before or when a trained medical professional arrives. To get your free Atos Medical emergency resources, fill out the contact form below and include which pieces you would like in the comment section.

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Disclaimer: These items were designed for informational purposes only and not for the purposes of rendering medical advice or diagnosis. The information presented is not intended to replace the counsel of a physician or emergency professional.
